
理工科学院, 和技术


It is my pleasure to personally welcome you the 澳门皇冠体育 理工科学院, 与技术(CSET). 

CSET has distinguished itself with outstanding faculty and staff who are dedicated to providing both the quality education and science leadership necessary to achieve the highest possible level of excellence. The college is committed to implementing the University’s urban mission and focusing its resources on improving the quality of life for 学生, 周边地区, 状态, 国家, 以及国际社会.

As we go forward in this millennium, we are redefining our College. 我们有信心我们的博士.D. programs in Chemistry, 工程, Environmental Science, and Computational & 数据驱动科学 & 工程和我们的专职教师, 我们非常重视本科生的研究, continued commitment to recruiting highly motivated 学生 and continued growth in other innovative programs, 会有助于定义我们的未来吗.

A fundamental objective of CSET focuses on exposure of our 学生 to the research environment as early as possible in the undergraduate curriculum. Such exposure embellishes the development of the skills and knowledge required for groundbreaking research and enhances preparation for graduate study. Multidisciplinary research by teams of faculty, 学生, 还有博士后研究助理, provides excellent opportunities for student research training and development in several research centers and multi-user core research facilities. These and much more are available to inspire a new generation of scientists, 技术人员, 工程师和数学家.

Awaiting your admission to our College are 16 Bachelor of Science, 9 Masters’ and four Ph.D. level degrees, many of which have several specialized tracks from which to choose. They will be the result of your steadfast matriculation in pursuit of a high quality education in science and technology, advanced scientific knowledge through scholarly research in specific areas, 以及技术和教育方面的专业知识. Also available are student support programs and services, 其中许多学校提供津贴和奖学金.

参观我们的主校区, we invite you to stop by our 工程建设 – the first LEED [Green] Certified building in the city of Jackson, 密西西比州. This innovative building environment, housing the Dean’s Office and the 部门 of 电 & 计算机工程与土木 & Environmental 工程, highlights JSU’s commitment to leadership in green technologies.

We are pleased that you have taken the time to visit our website. If you need assistance locating or accessing any desired information, please let us know using the information provided in the 联系 Us section below.

CSET has distinguished itself with outstanding faculty and staff who are dedicated to providing the quality education and science leadership necessary to achieve the highest possible level of excellence. The College is committed to implementing the University’s urban mission and focusing its intellectual and other resources on improving the quality of life for 学生, 周边社区, 状态, 国家, 以及国际社会.


In the 理工科学院, 和技术, our vision is to cultivate a community of forward-thinking scholars and innovators dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and technology. We aspire to be a beacon of excellence in education and research, empowering individuals to harness the power of science and engineering for the betterment of society. 通过协作探索, 跨学科合作, 对多样性和包容性的承诺, we strive to inspire the next generation of leaders who will drive positive change and shape a sustainable and technologically advanced future. Our vision is to be at the forefront of transformative discovery, 用创造力应对全球挑战, 完整性, 以及对卓越的不懈追求

理工科学院, 和技术


理工科学院 & 技术
P.O. 18750箱
杰克逊,MS 39217


电子邮件: cset@sbpcn.net